// These are the things you need: an API key, the track ID, and the path to the track
var apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
var trackID = 'THE_TRACK_ID';
var trackURL = 'audio/THE_AUDIO_FILE.mp3'
// Set up the key variables
var remixer;
var player;
var track;
var remixed;
// The main function.
function init() {
// Make sure the browser supports Web Audio.
if (window.webkitAudioContext === undefined) {
error("Sorry, this app needs advanced web audio. Your browser doesn't"
+ " support it. Try the latest version of Chrome");
} else {
// These set up the WebAudio playback environment, and create the remixer and player.
var context = new webkitAudioContext();
remixer = createJRemixer(context, $, apiKey);
player = remixer.getPlayer();
$("#info").text("Loading analysis data...");
// The key line. This prepares the track for remixing: it gets
// data from the Echo Nest analyze API and connects it with the audio file.
// All the remixing takes place in the callback function.
remixer.remixTrackById(trackID, trackURL, function(t, percent) {
track = t;
// Keep the user update with load times
$("#info").text(percent + "% of the track loaded");
if (percent == 100) {
$("#info").text(percent + "% of the track loaded, remixing...");
// Do the remixing!
if (track.status == 'ok') {
// This array holds the chunks of audio that we're going to play back
remixed = new Array();
// This loops over each beat in the track.
// If the index of the beat is a multiple of four, we append the beat to the playback array.
for (var i=0; i < track.analysis.beats.length; i++) {
if (i % 4 == 0) {
$("#info").text("Remix complete!");
// Run the main function once the page is loaded.
window.onload = init;
Welcome to One.html
<div id='info'> </div>
<!-- These buttons will play and stop your remix. -->
<button onClick="player.play(0, remixed);">Play!</button>
<button onClick="player.stop()">Stop!</button>
We're glad you asked - check out this page to take remix.js for a test drive. You can also check the examples for inspriation - happy remixing!