
Remix, it turns out, is a surprisingly complex package: it has C extensions, addtional binaries, and so on. This makes it a little inconvenient to install it for development with the typical Python install tools. Specifically, if you want to use develop, there are a few extra things you'll need to do.

Warning: this page is only for people who want to hack on or contribute to remix, and assumes that you know some things about python, installing things, and command lines. If that's not you, you probably want one of our easier Python installation packages.

Using develop

In a perfect world, you could do python develop, and everything would work. However, due to a known issue with setuptools ignoring the package_dir paths in, you'll need to tweak things a little.

We've made a script that will fix this for you:

After running it, try import echonest and import pyechonest. If those work, then you're ready to go!

If you're concerned about the details, read on: running develop will add a line to easy-install.pth in your python packages folder (that folder is somethig like /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, on Linux). The default link in this file is not enough. The script adds two other lines:

We understand that this is not ideal: we'll update with better fixes as we get them.