A Song object
id (str): Echo Nest Song ID
title (str): Song Title
artist_name (str): Artist Name
artist_id (str): Artist ID
audio_summary (dict): An Audio Summary dict
song_hotttnesss (float): A float representing a song’s hotttnesss
artist_hotttnesss (float): A float representing a song’s parent artist’s hotttnesss
artist_familiarity (float): A float representing a song’s parent artist’s familiarity
artist_location (dict): A dictionary of strings specifying a song’s parent artist’s location, lattitude and longitude
Create a song object like so:
>>> s = song.Song('SOPEXHZ12873FD2AC7')
Song class
>>> s = song.Song('SOPEXHZ12873FD2AC7', buckets=['song_hotttnesss', 'artist_hotttnesss'])
>>> s.song_hotttnesss
>>> s.artist_hotttnesss
Get our numerical estimation of how familiar a song’s artist currently is to the world
>>> s = song.Song('SOQKVPH12A58A7AF4D')
>>> s.get_artist_familiarity()
>>> s.artist_familiarity
Get our numerical description of how hottt a song’s artist currently is
>>> s = song.Song('SOOLGAZ127F3E1B87C')
>>> s.artist_hotttnesss
>>> s.get_artist_hotttnesss()
Get the location of a song’s artist.
>>> s = song.Song('SOQKVPH12A58A7AF4D')
>>> s.artist_location
{u'latitude': 34.053489999999996, u'location': u'Los Angeles, CA', u'longitude': -118.24532000000001}
Get an audio summary of a song containing mode, tempo, key, duration, time signature, loudness, danceability, energy, and analysis_url.
>>> s = song.Song('SOGNMKX12B0B806320')
>>> s.audio_summary
{u'analysis_url': u'https://echonest-analysis.s3.amazonaws.com/TR/RnMKCg47J5LgQZr0SISyoPuRxKVQx3Z_YSuhVa/3/full.json?Signature=KBUbewLiP3sZ2X6rRZzXhrgh8fw%3D&Expires=1349809604&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJRDFEY23UEVW42BQ',
u'audio_md5': u'ca3fdfa72eed23d5ad89872c38cecc0e',
u'danceability': 0.33712086491871546,
u'duration': 470.70666999999997,
u'energy': 0.58186979146361684,
u'key': 0,
u'liveness': 0.08676759933615498,
u'loudness': -9.5960000000000001,
u'mode': 1,
u'speechiness': 0.036938896635994867,
u'tempo': 126.949,
u'time_signature': 4}
Get the foreign id for this song for a specific id space
>>> s = song.Song('SOYRVMR12AF729F8DC')
>>> s.get_foreign_id('CAGPXKK12BB06F9DE9')
Get our numerical description of how hottt a song currently is
>>> s = song.Song('SOLUHKP129F0698D49')
>>> s.get_song_hotttnesss()
>>> s.song_hotttnesss
Get the types of a song.
>>> s = song.Song('SOQKVPH12A58A7AF4D')
>>> s.song_type
Get the tracks for a song given a catalog.
>>> s = song.Song('SOWDASQ12A6310F24F')
>>> s.get_tracks('7digital')[0]
{u'catalog': u'7digital',
u'foreign_id': u'7digital:track:8445818',
u'id': u'TRJGNNY12903CC625C',
u'preview_url': u'http://previews.7digital.com/clips/34/8445818.clip.mp3',
u'release_image': u'http://cdn.7static.com/static/img/sleeveart/00/007/628/0000762838_200.jpg'}
Identify a song.
filename (str): The path of the file you want to analyze (requires codegen binary!)
query_obj (dict or list): A dict or list of dicts containing a ‘code’ element with an fp code
code (str): A fingerprinter code
artist (str): An artist name
title (str): A song title
release (str): A release name
duration (int): A song duration
genre (str): A string representing the genre
buckets (list): A list of strings specifying which buckets to retrieve
version (str): The version of the code generator used to generate the code
codegen_start (int): The point (in seconds) where the codegen should start
codegen_duration (int): The duration (in seconds) the codegen should analyze
>>> qo
{'code': 'eJxlldehHSEMRFsChAjlAIL-S_CZvfaXXxAglEaBTen300Qu__lAyoJYhVQdXTvXrmvXdTsKZOqoU1q63QNydBGfOd1cGX3scpb1jEiWRLaPcJureC6RVkXE69jL8pGHjpP48pLI1m7r9oiEyBXvoVv45Q-5IhylYLkIRxGO4rp18ZpEOmpFPopwfJjL0u3WceO3HB1DIvJRnkQeO1PCLIsIjBWEzYaShq4pV9Z0KzDiQ8SbSNuSyBZPOOxIJKR7dauEmXwotxDCqllEAVZlrX6F8Y-IJ0e169i_HQaqslaVtTq1W-1vKeupImzrxWWVI5cPlw-XDxckN-3kyeXDm3jKmqv6PtB1gfH1Eey5qu8qvAuMC4zLfPv1l3aqviylJhytFhF0mzqs6aYpYU04mlqgKWtNjppwNKWubR2FowlHUws0gWmPi668dSHq6rOuPuhqgRcVKKM8s-fZS937nBe23iz3Uctx9607z-kLph1i8YZ8f_TfzLXseBh7nXy9nn1YBAg4Nwjp4AzTL23M_U3Rh0-sdDFtyspNOb1bYeZZqz2Y6TaHmXeuNmfFdTueLuvdsbOU9luvtIkl4vI5F_92PVprM1-sdJ_o9_Guc0b_WimpD_Rt1DFg0sY3wyw08e6jlqhjH3o76naYvzWqhX9rOv15Y7Ww_MIF8dXzw30s_uHO5PPDfUonnzq_NJ8J93mngAkIz5jA29SqxGwwvxQsih-sozX0zVk__RFaf_qyG9hb8dktZZXd4a8-1ljB-c5bllXOe1HqHplzeiN4E7q9ZRdmJuI73gBEJ_HcAxUm74PAVDNL47D6OAfzTHI0mHpXAmY60QNmlqjDfIPzwUDYhVnoXqtvZGrBdMi3ClQUQ8D8rX_1JE_In94CBXER4lrrw0H867ei8x-OVz8c-Osh5plzTOySpKIROmFkbn5xVuK784vTyPpS3OlcSjHpL16saZnm4Bk66hte9sd80Dcj02f7xDVrExjk32cssKXjmflU_SxXmn4Y9Ttued10YM552h5Wtt_WeVR4U6LPWfbIdW31J4JOXnpn4qhH7yE_pdBH9E_sMwbNFr0z0IW5NA8aOZhLmOh3zSVNRZwxiZc5pb8fikGzIf-ampJnCSb3r-ZPfjPuvLm7CY_Vfa_k7SCzdwHNg5mICTSHDxyBWmaOSyLQpPmCSXyF-eL7MHo7zNd668JMb_N-AJJRuMwrX0jNx7a8-Rj5oN6nyWoL-jRv4pu7Ue821TzU3MhvpD9Fo-XI',
'code_count': 151,
'low_rank': 0,
'metadata': {'artist': 'Harmonic 313',
'bitrate': 198,
'codegen_time': 0.57198400000000005,
'decode_time': 0.37954599999999999,
'duration': 226,
'filename': 'koln.mp3',
'genre': 'Electronic',
'given_duration': 30,
'release': 'When Machines Exceed Human Intelligence',
'sample_rate': 44100,
'samples_decoded': 661816,
'start_offset': 0,
'title': 'kln',
'version': 3.1499999999999999},
'tag': 0}
>>> song.identify(query_obj=qo)
[<song - Köln>]
Search for songs by name, description, or constraint.
title (str): the name of a song
artist (str): the name of an artist
artist_id (str): the artist_id
combined (str): the artist name and song title
description (str): A string describing the artist and song
style (str): A string describing the style/genre of the artist and song
mood (str): A string describing the mood of the artist and song
results (int): An integer number of results to return
max_tempo (float): The max tempo of song results
min_tempo (float): The min tempo of song results
max_duration (float): The max duration of song results
min_duration (float): The min duration of song results
max_loudness (float): The max loudness of song results
min_loudness (float): The min loudness of song results
artist_max_familiarity (float): A float specifying the max familiarity of artists to search for
artist_min_familiarity (float): A float specifying the min familiarity of artists to search for
artist_max_hotttnesss (float): A float specifying the max hotttnesss of artists to search for
artist_min_hotttnesss (float): A float specifying the max hotttnesss of artists to search for
song_max_hotttnesss (float): A float specifying the max hotttnesss of songs to search for
song_min_hotttnesss (float): A float specifying the max hotttnesss of songs to search for
max_energy (float): The max energy of song results
min_energy (float): The min energy of song results
max_dancibility (float): The max dancibility of song results
min_dancibility (float): The min dancibility of song results
mode (int): 0 or 1 (minor or major)
key (int): 0-11 (c, c-sharp, d, e-flat, e, f, f-sharp, g, a-flat, a, b-flat, b)
max_latitude (float): A float specifying the max latitude of artists to search for
min_latitude (float): A float specifying the min latitude of artists to search for
max_longitude (float): A float specifying the max longitude of artists to search for
min_longitude (float): A float specifying the min longitude of artists to search for
sort (str): A string indicating an attribute and order for sorting the results
buckets (list): A list of strings specifying which buckets to retrieve
limit (bool): A boolean indicating whether or not to limit the results to one of the id spaces specified in buckets
rank_type (str): A string denoting the desired ranking for description searches, either ‘relevance’ or ‘familiarity
artist_start_year_before (int): Returned songs’s artists will have started recording music before this year.
artist_start_year_after (int): Returned songs’s artists will have started recording music after this year.
artist_end_year_before (int): Returned songs’s artists will have stopped recording music before this year.
artist_end_year_after (int): Returned songs’s artists will have stopped recording music after this year.
song_type (string): A string or list of strings specifiying the type of song to search for.
>>> results = song.search(artist='shakira', title='she wolf', buckets=['id:7digital', 'tracks'], limit=True, results=1)
>>> results
[<song - She Wolf>]
>>> results[0].get_tracks('7digital')[0]
{u'catalog': u'7digital',
u'foreign_id': u'7digital:track:7854109',
u'id': u'TRTOBSE12903CACEC4',
u'preview_url': u'http://previews.7digital.com/clips/34/7854109.clip.mp3',
u'release_image': u'http://cdn.7static.com/static/img/sleeveart/00/007/081/0000708184_200.jpg'}
get the profiles for multiple songs at once
buckets (list): A list of strings specifying which buckets to retrieve
limit (bool): A boolean indicating whether or not to limit the results to one of the id spaces specified in buckets
>>> song_ids = ['SOBSLVH12A8C131F38', 'SOXMSGY1338A5D5873', 'SOJPHZO1376210AFE5', 'SOBHNKR12AB0186218', 'SOSJAHD13770F4D40C']
>>> songs = song.profile(song_ids, buckets=['audio_summary'])
[<song - Say It Ain't So>,
<song - Island In The Sun>,
<song - My Name Is Jonas>,
<song - Buddy Holly>]
>>> songs[0].audio_summary
{u'analysis_url': u'https://echonest-analysis.s3.amazonaws.com/TR/7VRBNguufpHAQQ4ZjJ0eWsIQWl2S2_lrK-7Bp2azHOvPN4VFV-YnU7uO0dXgYtOKT-MTEa/3/full.json?Signature=hmNghHwfEsA4JKWFXnRi7mVP6T8%3D&Expires=1349809918&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJRDFEY23UEVW42BQ',
u'audio_md5': u'b6079b2b88f8265be8bdd5fe9702e05c',
u'danceability': 0.64540643050283253,
u'duration': 255.92117999999999,
u'energy': 0.30711665772260549,
u'key': 8,
u'liveness': 0.088994423525370583,
u'loudness': -9.7799999999999994,
u'mode': 1,
u'speechiness': 0.031970700260699259,
u'tempo': 76.049999999999997,
u'time_signature': 4}